Building a home can be a cauldron of whirring emotions. Excitement when you secure your land. Anticipation when you choose your final plans. Frustration with permit requirements and major disappointments when you are hit with extra expenses.
The key to successfully taking on your dream project is planning. The key to great planning is education and research.
Here are 5 arboricultural points you need to consider.
1) It's not just about your trees
It's not just the trees on your land that are considered. Have you considered the trees on both sides of the property boundary to a distance of 3 metres?
2) Involvement of other consultants
It is important to involve your consultant arborist throughout the planning process in order to keep abreast of the reports required. Such reports may include: site overview, preliminary assessment, construction impact reporting, environmental considerations, root zone investigations and bushfire management. Knowing these in advance will ensure smooth communication between you, your architect and the arborist.

3) Effluent
Is effluent disposal impacted by trees on the property? Many properties on the Melbourne fringe still use septic systems. To minimise tree clearing and environmental impact in general, it is recommended that effluent management areas (EMAs) are located within asset protection zones. Any absorption system must be installed within the proposed absorption area shown on the site plan or within the ‘available envelope’. For further information see AS1546 and AS1547.
4) Have you considered the roots?
Arboricultural reporting is not just about what is visible to the eye. Any development has the potential to damage the root system of your trees. The preservation of trees within construction activities is frequently dependent on accurate information on root location within the soil profile.
5) Bushfire Risk
Many planning applications in the rural/urban fringes of Melbourne and country Victoria require bushfire management reports. These may include a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment, Bushfire Management Plans (BMP) and a Bushfire Management statement (BMS).
Building your dream home can be one of the greatest things you will ever undertake in your life. Enjoy the process by being informed and educated.
Please feel free to contact Greenwood Consulting on 03 9754 8334 or if you have any Arboricultural concerns.